

Moving right along

After Motivation's day off yesterday, it didn't take him long to spring into action this morning. At 5:20, he jumped between my husband and I while we were trying to eek out a few last winks. Since my husband had an early business meeting this morning, I guess Motivation figured he'd kill two birds with one stone by nudging both of us with his elbows. Well, who can sleep through that? It became a race to see which one of us would peel ourselves out of bed first. My husband won, but only by 16 seconds.

Within 5 minutes, I was off and riding. I rode 20 minutes before stopping at the park to run a few laps around the trail. When I first started running a mere few weeks ago, I could barely make it half way around the trail. Now, I can go 3 times around without stopping. On Saturday, I'm going to shoot for 4 times and really push for 5 times around. In total today, I ran 3 times, walked one, ran 3 more, walked one, and ran 2 more before jumping back on my bike and heading home. A pretty decent workout and the clock hadn't even struck 6:30 am!

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