

An update

Last week was a week of appointments. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Monday - cardiologist. Not a regular visit. Ever since our home was burglarized last month, I've been having intermittent heart palpitations. I don't mess around when it comes to my heart. So, I went to see my cardiologist. Of course, no sign of palpitations at the visit. Isn't that always the way?

But, on another note, he wasn't pleased with my blood pressure. He doubled my dosage for my BP medication and ordered a renal ultrasound (kidney) to rule out a problem with my kidneys. He said that with my increased exercise activity and my diet, my BP should be within normal range. However, it still is not. He also ordered what is called an event monitor which I'll be wearing for 14 days after I return from vacation on Sept. 5th. The event monitor will measure cardiac activity to better pinpoint why the palpitations are occurring.

Wednesday - OB/GYN. The annual exam. My doctor wants me off the pill. He says that it could be contributing to my hypertension. So I need to decide on another alternative. Ugh. Decisions. Decisions!

Friday - the optometrist. Another annual exam for my contact lenses. Uneventful. Good outcome. Plus, I really need new contacts!!!!!!

Glad that week is over!

1 comment:

Bren said...

You are certainly in dire need of a week of R & R.