

Excuses, excuses

Yes. I'll admit that I've been full of them lately. But before you judge, just listen to what's been keeping me from blogging.

My mother-in-law passed away on September 12 after a short battle with lung cancer (more on that topic later). In between her wake, her funeral and all the prep and planning that accompanies a death, I've managed to squeeze in some exercise. It's been minimal, but I did get some running in last week.

This week I started doing some serious walking. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, my youngest daughter attends preschool for 3 hours. While she's at school, I've been walking. Both days I walked 6.4 miles each day!!!!!!! How awesome is that? The weather has been very cooperative, and I find it so soothing to just pop on my iPod and go. It takes me about 1 hour and 45 minutes to walk 6.4 miles. I've got a lot of company too! I walk here, and there are always tons of others walking or running. So I basically get to people watch and exercise at the same time.

Best of all, my good friends are still hanging around. Motivation and Determination have been by my side through thick and thin. Will Power hasn't abandoned me either. Good friends are hard to find!! :)

1 comment:

Jeff C said...

Great article. Sorry to hear about your mother in law. Last year I one thing after another come between me and getting outside. I must admit, the "things" have gone away, but I am still not out as much as I would like. Maybe its time to get back out there. Maybe I can thank your site for my own motivation to get back out as much as I would like! :)

Also, thanks for posting a link to my site (the Brick Res Pics). Much appreciated.