

Does it get easier?

I've been running for over 2 months now. I don't like it. In fact, I hate it. Before I start, I have to give myself a 5 minute pep talk. Yes, I dislike it that much. But I do it because I know it's an excellent form of aerobic exercise, and it makes me feel great! Plus, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. But it begs the question, "When does it get easier?"

Running is hard work. It's 1000 times more tiring than walking. The huffing, puffing and panting alone tire me out. Seriously, if you're a runner and you're reading this, can you tell me when it gets easier? When will I finally become adjusted to running 3 (or even 5 miles) at a time?

I have to admit...the best thing about running is that it's quick. I can run 3 miles in a little less than 30 minutes. 30 minutes and my workout is over. Love that!

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